Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday Update

As I review all that God has done this week at Wooster Grace, I marvel at God's greatness.  He is a great God.  His still at work in the lives of people.  May God get the fame from all these things He has done.
  • Fall Fun Festival--Wooster Grace served more than 1000 free meals and handout over 450 candy bags to children who came to our church for fun on Halloween.  My favorite highlight was the International Foods on the mezzanine. Ten countries offered bit-size samples created by the people from those countries.  I tasted them all and all had a distinct flavor with a yummy taste.  It was a great hit!
  • Missionary Partner Visit--Wooster Grace partners with over 40 people and families who are on mission for God in local and global endeavors.  This past Sunday Tim Hawkins who serves in Porto, Portugal visited our church to update us on what the Lord is doing.  His daughter, Stephanie, accompanied him.  My favorite story is how the dog, Lucy, got in their prayer card picture.  As I paraphrase what Stephanie shared
    • "All my life I wanted a puppy, but my daddy would not allow one.  Everyday I asked. Everyday I heard no.  I stopped trying around age 16.  Then one day my friends and I were hanging out in Porto when we found this puppy in the trash.  Someone had put the puppy there for discarding.  So we rescued this dog.  One of my friends, took it home until we could figure out what to do.  Of course, you know what I did.  I asked my dad reluctantly, expecting him to reject my request.  But without notice, my father said yes.  Yes!?  Yes!  I ran all the way to my friends house.  However, they had given the dog away to a nice, caring family already.  I returned home dejected.  My dad was incredulous!  "What? How could they give your puppy away?!"  Later I found another dog, Lucy, who has become my mom's favorite companion.  They are now inseparable.  Lucy is our dog.  Sometimes you have to wait a long time for a wish to come true"
  • Our children at Grace Place Thailand started school this week.  All twenty children now have sponsors.  Seventy people in our church have committed to give $35 per month to rescue these orphans and to offer them a new start on life.  Sponsors give to provide food, shelter, clothes, schooling, a place to sleep, encouragement and care from house directors, and get to hear about the love of Jesus everyday.  I am so proud of our church family.  We are doing a great work for God.
  • Lastly, this month is our churches emphasis on Compassion.  Wooster Grace desires to reach out with the love of Jesus to the lost, the least, and the lonely. Please check out church website to download the sermons from this series.  You may find the download to be slow. We are working out the "bugs" on providing each sermon online with this new website format.