Friday, December 4, 2009

Here's a flyer to help you invite others

Thanks to Janet Beaver, our ministry specialist--publications, provided this for me. I am posting it here so you can invite others to any one or all of our events this holiday season. 

You can email me at so i can send you the pdf file for printing on your own. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Invite your neighbors to our Christmas programming

Christmas is so busy. If it's not school events, it's work events, and then on top of that, you have family events, let alone church or community events.

But please review your December calendar and see if you can make room for inviting a friend, co-worker, or new acquaintance to one of our many events here at Wooster Grace.

  • Baptism Wed Dec 2 @ 7pm  If you want to observe how people make a public demonstration of their faith in Christ, then please come tonight.
  • Christmas series: Sundays this month! A Reality Christmas is our series of messages on the true core of the Christmas season--the birth of Jesus.
  • Christmas Concert: Dec 11, 12, 13 at 7pm Our Celebration Choir and Orchestra along with the Children's Choir will share songs and a skit about the true meaning of Christmas--the birth of Jesus.
  • Christmas Eve: We have four times for you to come join us to refocus on the birth of Jesus. Traditional services are at 6pm and 8pm in the Worship Center. Contemporary services are at 6pm and 11pm in the Student Ministries Center. Childcare is available through age 3 at 6pm and 8pm.
So choose any one and invite a friend, co-worker, or new acquaintance to one of our Christmastime events.  You'll be glad you came.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pray for Sara

This past Sunday, November 29, Sara Roseler shared in our services about her upcoming short term medical missions trip to Peru with Malone University. The team travels from December 31 through January 9, 2010. Please pray for Sara as she prepares to go. She will send me a link for their team's blog in the weeks ahead.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day of Generosity

I want to praise God for the amazing offering given by our church. Those giving above and beyond their regular offering gave $7,559 for the Day of Generosity Sunday. There may be more given in the weeks ahead from our church. But we praise God for a church that gives. May God use our offerings along with many other churches and individuals to help encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ who are nationals within their countries to reach their own people for Christ with these resources.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lucky Numbers: 132, 19, 4

Our church conducted a Thanksgiving Dinner for Internationals and friends where we offered a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner (turkey, potatoes, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, and pies). God brought 132 people from 19 different countries to eat 4 complete turkeys. Wow! What a feast! Thanks to Celeste, Regina, Ping Ping, Linda, Jay, and many others who helped make this event so wonderful. When I discover who took pictures, then I will post them later. Thanks.