Friday, November 20, 2009

We can't serve alone

Every quarter a team of women gather to help sort and cut out curriculum for our Children's Ministries program.  They have been given the endearing name, Curriculum Sortin' Sisters.  We could not do ministry without people like these who sacrifice time and energy to advance God's kingdom. They are my heoroines.  Tremendous!

Curriculm Sortin' Sisters @ Wooster Grace from Daron Butler on Vimeo.

If you can't see this video, you can check out their video on VIMEO.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our kids in Battambang, Cambodia

Here are two pictures from Bobbie Campbell sent to us today (Wed Nov 18). You can read more about John & Bobbie Campbell as they travel in Cambodia for awhile at their blog: one thousand kids.