Thursday, December 31, 2009

Peru Short Term Missions Trip Dec 31-Jan 9

Today is the day the ChildReach Ministries Medical team from Malone University leaves for Lima, PERU.  I am so proud of the ladies from our church who are going: Holly, Jacoby, & Sarah.

If you are unfamiliar with ChildReach you can check out name, one of the founder's, to read his reflections of this new ministry of "giving people a global vision of God and His Kingdom."  God has helped ChildReach impact 27 families in five years.  That's good!

I praise God for His work in the greater reaches of God's Church.  Way to go Childreach!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Prayer Guide coming soon from GBIM

I received in the mail today my copy of the 2010 Global Ministries Prayer Guide. I could smell the hot-off-the-presses aroma as I thumbed through all of the pages.  I want to say thanks to Jim Folsom for sending me an advanced picture of the cover pre-printing.  On the printed cover are three key verbs: discover, intercede, and rejoice.

GBIM Executive Director, Dave Guiles, showed me an advanced copy earlier this month. He gave me the following insights about what is new:
  • The Guide will seek to celebrate what God is doing in the world
  • The Guide is also intended to educate everyone what God is doing through Grace Brethren International Miissions
  • The Guide will help you understand the global influence of all God's workers who are laboring in the Lord's harvest around the world
I am already enjoying a few interesting facts on the inside cover:
  • I praise God for this global movement our fellowship of churches is enjoying--GBIM is "impacting dozens of people groups scattered among 33 countries on 5 continents.
  • I marvel at how the Lord is helping to mobilize nationals to serve together with missionaries to start new churches and ministries within their own countries and to start praying for how to initiate new fields of harvest in neighboring countries.
  • I am grateful for all who compiled the information so that I can pray better for God's work to impact the nations in 2010.  I will be able to intercede more efficiently with the expansion of national missions prayer requests in places like the Central African Republic.
I recommend that you get your free copy sent to you right away. 

Prayer for Andrew Simms on his way to Burkina Faso

On Sunday, December 27 the Truthseekers ABF commissioned Andrew Simms with prayer for his short term missions experience starting on January 1 and tentatively concluding on February 12.  Follow him on his blog. Please keep Andrew in your prayers.

  • Pray for safety
  • Ask the Lord for stamina and great flight connections and he travels
  • Request that God would be true to His Word, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you (Psalm 32:8)."  
Check out the beginning moments of a fifteen minute prayer of commissioning for Andrew below.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Middle School Open Cafe Offers Food & Fun

Pastor Josh Atkins, his wife Amber, and a team of several parents hosted over 30 middle school students today.  I briefly chatted with a few of the guys.  They love the nachos with cheese dip, soft drinks, popcorn, cookies, and brownies.  Moreover, they love hanging out in the Student Ministries Center to play hoops, participate or cheer on others who are playing video games, or to challenge Pastor Josh in any activity.  What a great job!  May more students come to know Christ through efforts like this.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Linda Kline reports from Cambodia

Linda sent an email stating the following:
A note to let you know that all is going well and I am fine.  It has been a tremendous experience being here and following Jill around.  She has been building relationships with so many people.  Last night we had over 80 people from her English class here for a Christmas party.  WOW what an evening.  We visited Grace Place orphanage yesterday and took then a few small gifts.  They were thrilled.  One day we went to sign the agreement for the well to be drilled from money of Wooster GBC Sunday school classes and Kid's Praise.  They had been praying for a well for a long time and the physical conditions their were not very good.  It was exciting to see and experience.  Today we are going to two more churches for Christmas celebrations then tomorrow wel will visit Angkor Wat which is considered the 8 wonder of the world.  Thanks for praying they are evident.  See you next week.


Please keep praying for Linda who returns on Dec 30-31.  

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve Services Boom

Wooster Grace welcomed 2145 people to our four Christmas Eve Services.  Each was packed.  The six o'clock hour numbered over 1000. 

I loved the different musical formats.  The Traditional services (6pm & 8pm) lead the audience in several Christmas carols. My favorite was 'O Holy Night."  The Contemporary services (6pm & 11pm) directed attendees to sing variations on a few carols. 

Nevertheless, the message remained the same in each service.  How does Jesus intersect with your life?  Using intersections as the analogy, you were challenged to consider how your life intersects with Jesus at Christmas time. 

I personally loved how the worship team responded to comments from last year.  They worked extra hard to create two types of servcies.  One point of feedback came from those who would have liked a candlelight service option for the traditional at 11pm.  Otherwise, I discovered many who loved how things worked out.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Concerts Packed

We praise God for this year's attendance at our Christmas concerts = 1650! Wow!  What a great job by a huge team of people in our church who gave up hours of time to create a wonderful challenge to make the First Christmas the prominent part of a Christmas celebration.  Way to go Randy Moomaw, Teri Myers, & Brad Frederici and their teams! I am looking forward to tonight's Christmas Eve services.