Sunday, December 27, 2009

Linda Kline reports from Cambodia

Linda sent an email stating the following:
A note to let you know that all is going well and I am fine.  It has been a tremendous experience being here and following Jill around.  She has been building relationships with so many people.  Last night we had over 80 people from her English class here for a Christmas party.  WOW what an evening.  We visited Grace Place orphanage yesterday and took then a few small gifts.  They were thrilled.  One day we went to sign the agreement for the well to be drilled from money of Wooster GBC Sunday school classes and Kid's Praise.  They had been praying for a well for a long time and the physical conditions their were not very good.  It was exciting to see and experience.  Today we are going to two more churches for Christmas celebrations then tomorrow wel will visit Angkor Wat which is considered the 8 wonder of the world.  Thanks for praying they are evident.  See you next week.


Please keep praying for Linda who returns on Dec 30-31.