Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Talking to the world on SKYPE

If you need to talk to people on an international scale or even a national scale, SKYPE is a great option.  I recommend it for churches to stay in contact with their missionary partners. 

Technology is incredible.  But It can also be very distracting.  I must use discernment when I get to use a new technology.  I must answer the question: "Is it a tool or a toy?"

Brian Bailey and Terry Storch offer insight here in their book, The Blogging Church (pp.13-14).  "A toy is something that you want to PLAY WITH more than you want to USE...A tool is something that SOLVES a problem (caps are my emphasis)." 

So as you begin to venture out and to begin finding technology that advertises itself as helpful. Keep asking the question over and over again.  "Will it be a tool or a toy?" 

One helpful technology is SKYPE. I spent 30 minutes talking with my friends in France.  It was six o'clock there and noon for me.  I caught up on what is going on and how I can pray.  And it was free. It was an online connection. All I needed was the software, a headset & microphone, and their contact information. 

What a great tool!  The problem SKYPE solves is cost for calling overseas or around the country.  Expenses can grow quickly.  But this tool helps you make calls without charge to those who have online access.  In fact, the cost may be low for making landline calls too. I have not used that feature yet.  Overall, I like SKYPE.  If you are in ministry where international calls are important. Then I suggest you test it out.  Add it to your ministry toolbox.